Fleets have been told they need to develop policies regarding vulnerable road users.

Licence checking firm Licence Bureau has issued the call, citing research from the Brake Professional Fleet Safety Report 2018, which it supported.

The report found that that just 52% of organisations have driver handbooks that include guidance on protecting vulnerable road users, including cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians.

Only 20% also have specific policies on vulnerable road users. 

On the plus side, Licence Bureau says those that do have such policies in place appear to be offering useful advice: 94% encourage rigorous checking of vehicle blind spots, 78% say drivers should leave at least 1.5m between their vehicles and riders when overtaking, and 78% ask drivers to be extra vigilant when near schools and built-up areas. 

Licence Bureau managing director Malcolm Maycock said: “Although the findings suggest some 84% of fleet managers recognise the importance of road safety, and three quarters of respondents believe their organisation has the right policies in place to protect vulnerable road users, clearly more could and should be done to develop this area. 

“Clearly there is an awareness around the issues related to vulnerable road users, but fleets need to ensure they document policies on the subject and make them a core component of their driver handbooks and education pathways. 

“Continuous improvement is all part of our compliance journey and supporting fleets in these areas is what we do best.”