Vauxhall has revealed the sales figures of its Ecoflex models for the year-to-date exclusively to BusinessCar, which show a strong uptake in economical and low-emissions models, especially those popular with fleet users.

The Astra Ecoflex proved to be the most popular with fleets, as it accounted for 14,782 sales in this sector, compared with 3226 in retail. The Insignia and Zafira Ecoflex have also performed strongly in fleet at 6023 (compared with 541 retail) and 9339 (819 retail) respectively.

The stats generally mirror the cars’ broader markets, in that models that sell better in the retail sector have a higher take-up of Ecoflex variants from private buyers and vice versa. The sheer amount of Ecoflex Corsas sold in both sectors (5203 fleet and 11,530 retail) shows a strong demand for eco models on both sides of the market.