Fleet software company FleetCheck has updated its safety app’s fit-to-drive declaration to include coronavirus symptoms.

The app walks drivers through a number of essential safety checks of both the vehicle and themselves. It can now act as a simple reminder of the symptoms they might be showing if they are infected with the virus.

Peter Golding, managing director at FleetCheck, said: “The fit-to-drive declaration is an essential part of the app as well as fundamental fleet risk management itself. It means that a driver is making a declaration each day that they consider themselves OK to work.

“Clearly, when we’re all dealing with something as contagious as coronavirus, this takes on a whole new dimension, especially as many of the fleets still working on a daily basis are home delivery companies that are dealing with the public”.

The company is also warning that delivery fleets urgently need protocols in place to stop the spread of the virus. Golding commented: “This is an area where we need to establish some sensible ground rules very quickly, we believe. Home delivery fleets have a potentially crucial role to play but could also become a problem in themselves.