Housing provider, Longhurst Group, has appointed Fleet Alliance to manage its company cars after its current manager switched to part-time hours.

Fleet Alliance now overseas 165 company cars and 250 grey fleet vehicles for the group.

“As I will be taking a step back from my day-to-day operations, we wanted a full-time and independent fleet management supplier to look after the whole fleet, as well as providing us with an effective accident management service,” said Paula Maxwell, Longhurst Group’s fleet manager. “First impressions of working with Fleet Alliance have been very good and any teething problems have been immediately sorted out.”

As part of the arrangement, Fleet Alliance will now apply competitive tendering processes when new vehicles are needed, while a whole-life costs system will also be introduced in order to help drivers find the most cost-effective vehicles during their time on Longhurst’s fleet, rather than relying on the monthly lease figures.

Drivers will also be able to update business and private mileage reports, access support services, and complete vehicle inspection reports using the Fleet Alliance’s e-Fleet Mobile app.

This additional service is especially important for grey fleet drivers, as they do not qualify for a company car, and they receive mileage reimbursements.