Companies should name and shame the highest fuel-consuming business drivers to cut costs, according to automotive HR provider Mycompanyfleet.

It said tighter management of fuel costs, including tactics such as identifying the top ten highest fuel-conusming drivers in the company, is the answer to rising fuel prices causing problems for fleets.

Andrew Leech, business manager at Mycompanyfleet said firms should “name and shame” the worst offenders as an example to other drivers if it means that action to control costs is then taken. “Tough times sometimes require tough measures,” he added.

Meanwhile, Mycompanyfleet has launched new software which allows company drivers to remotely log the condition of vehicles through mobile phones, “thus meeting duty of care requirements and helping speed through service and maintenance booking and scheduling”.

Fleetacumen Mobile is an add-on to the firm’s Fleetacumen fleet management system.

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