The controversial Dart Charge payment system for the Dartford crossing is due to be introduced from this Sunday (30 November).
From 6am onwards, drivers will no longer be able to pay cash at the crossing. Instead, motorists will only be able to pay through the new system, with the Highways Agency hoping it will speed up journeys by removing the need to stop at the barriers.
The Dart Charge system will use automatic number plate recognition technology (APNR) to pick up vehicle number plates and then administer a charge to that vehicle.
Motorists can pay from a pre-paid online account linked to their car’s number plate, or online, by phone, text or at a Payzone shop after they have driven through the crossing.
The HA claimed that over 120,000 vehicles have been registered to Dart Charge accounts thus far.
The time limit for paying after a journey is set at midnight on the day after travel. After that drivers will be fined £35 for each time they drive through, to be paid within 14 days.
The current 27-lane ‘payment plaza’ will be replaced by four lanes in each direction, and the approach to the tunnel will have extra lanes to identity and turn away prohibited vehicles.
Work to remove the payment booths will coincide with Dart Charge going live, and is expected to be complete by April. The HA said all road works are being planned to minimise disruption.
“For most people using the Dartford Crossing, a prepay account will be the cheapest and most convenient way to pay the crossing charge,” said Nigel Gray, project director at HA. “I’m really encouraged by the take up so far, but urge all drivers who use the crossing to sign up for an account and benefit from the discount it offers.”