David Rawlings, former fleet finance expert with accountancy giant Deloitte, has setup his own consultancy with the aim of helping small and medium sized businesses run a cost effective, yet motivational fleet.
Commenting on starting his own business, Rawlings said: “I started Business Car Finance because I saw that many small and medium sized fleets aren’t getting the advice and support they need.
“Unfortunately for these fleets running business cars efficiently will continue to become more and more complex as prices fluctuate and tax rules change, then added to this list of woe good employees will be harder to find and even more difficult to retain, with car policy mistakes often having serious knock on consequences.”
Rawlings, who has 30 years experience, the last 13 with Deloitte added: “I offer a unique market and financial understanding, with access to the very best solutions in the industry. Using these skills and relationships within a logical process allows me to develop car schemes that keeps costs down, risks managed and staff motivated.”