Vauxhall‘s electrically powered Ampera could appear in London Metropolitan police livery next year as GM places the ‘extended range’ hatchback with 20 key fleets in a crucial pre-production appraisal programme.

It is believed that the Met police in particular and British police forces in general are to be part of the Vauxhall Ampera’s UK trials, with the London force also interested in running the cars during the capital’s ‘green’ 2012 Olympic Games.

Vauxhall‘s fleet director Maurice Howkins is discussing the Ampera project with major corporate fleets, although a company spokesperson said: “It is too early to discuss any short or even long list.”

Senior Met traffic officers are believed to be interested in the 40g/km Ampera because its combination of ultra low-emission electric power and ancillary 1.4-litre petrol engine removes “range anxiety” during operational use.

A Vauxhall source said: “Ampera ticks the green boxes, has practical interior space and unlike limited-range pure electric cars there is

no risk of grinding to a halt in a pursuit or on escort duty because the juice runs out. If, and it remains speculation, Ampera was trialled by the police, it would provide a particularly arduous and effective real life, everyday testing routine.”