Duty of care and green issues were the subjects that dominated last week’s BusinessCar Conference.

CGGVeritas’s Peter Young explained to delegates how he revolutionised his firm’s attitude to work-driving duty of care, developing a handbook and sophisticated record-keeping software to cover off employer liability.

It’s how you drive rather than what you drive that makes the biggest environmental impact. That was the message from Trafficmaster boss Tony Eales. He argued that the cost of fitting satnav across a fleet should be outweighed by the claimed five hours saving a month per driver a decent satnav can return.

Sony fleet boss Carol Slater explained the barriers she and her colleagues faced in introducing a new culture into the business. Employing shock tactics, hard facts and statistics and threats of corporate manslaughter were a few of the methods she revealed.

Paul Turner of statistical authority APD proved that green issues underpinned the whole day. According to the firm’s research, green considerations were seventh on fleet’s list of priorities in the last quarter of 2005, but climbed to the top of the list early this year. He also praised the leasing industry for providing more green info. “Fleet operators are responding and seeking out information.”