Smoking while driving could be banned outright in the future whether the vehicle concerned is deemed a ‘workplace’ or not, that’s if road safety campaigners get their way.
According to newspaper reports, a blanket smoking behind the wheel ban is under consideration by the Department of Health in an attempt to cut the number of crashes annually. Similar moves are being considered in Australia, Germany and the US.
Lobbying for the ban is the Local Authority Road Safety Officers’ Association that represents, and is responsible for, the majority of the nation’s highways.
Spokesman Simon Ettinghausen said: “Driving is a complicated business, especially with the high volume of traffic motorists have to contend with these days. It’s not an area where you can multi-task.”
The association claims drivers who smoke pose a safety risk since the act requires taking hands of wheel to light and smoke cigarettes, and with the introduction of the smoking ban on July 1, the organisation expects more and more to smoke in their cars.
Though winning support and fans amongst health and anti-smoking groups, the proposed ban has also drawn strong criticism for breaching civil liberties. Andrew Lansley shadow Conservative Health Secretary has condemed the plans for conflicting with a citizen’s right to do what they like in their own personal space.