Business car operators at the ACFO conference were asked for their input into a new green transport report being worked on by the Department for Transport.

DfT policy advisor Michael Hurwitz used his presentation to call for fleet bosses to provide their thoughts on improving the environmental credentials of UK transport for a new report he is working on.

Hurwitz is responsible for putting together a report outlining how Government can reduce the carbon output of the UK transport network.

The report will be used by Government after the Climate Change Bill comes in. The Bill is expected to set the UK a target of reducing CO2 output 60% by 2050, according to Hurwitz.

Hurwitz also highlighted the largest growth area for CO2 in transport was commercial vehicles, a hint that the Government may target this area more keenly in future.

While he stopped short of commenting on Government policy or future green taxation, Hurwitz did say officials were looking at green transport schemes from around the world. These included allowing some low-CO2 cars to use high occupancy lanes on motorways, tax rebates on cleaner cars and incentives for new technologies such as hydrogen power and electric vehicles.