More than 40% of fleet operators have highlighted reducing cost as top priority in their work schedules, according to a recent survey from lease firm ALD Automotive.

Reducing business risk came in second and was rated most important by 38% of survey respondents.

With recent fuel price hikes, 82% of the 100 fleet operators surveyed said controlling petrol and diesel usage was important to them in controlling outgoings. Encouragement of more eco-friendly driving techniques was also highlighted by 81%.

“It is clear that environmental matters and reducing their employer’s carbon footprint is on the radar of fleet operators,” said David Yates, ALD’s marketing director. “However, they see ‘green’ issues under both ‘cost control’ and ‘safety’ and not simply in relation to widespread concerns surrounding climate change.

“As a business, and as a fleet industry, we must help fleet decision-makers more in this area,” he said. “Through the careful selection of low emission cars on choice lists, improved mileage management controls and journey planning, and by staff adopting a smoother driving style to cut vehicle emission levels, operating costs will reduce.”