A report commissioned by GE Capital’s Fleet Services division has revealed that business drivers are being given less choice by employers when ordering their vehicles.

The latest Company Car Trends report, commissioned quarterly by the firm, claimed the industry had experienced a “general tightening up” of choice lists since the beginning of 2011.

The 250 fleet decision-makers questioned reported that stricter conditions were being imposed for the selection process in order to cut costs and boost value, with CO2 emissions, fitness for purpose and maximum monthly rental cost being the overriding factors used to set choice lists.

Gary Killeen fleet services commercial leader for GE Capital UK said: “If you apply the current legislative and taxation framework to the spread of models. you can see that offering the right car choices will have a greater effect on meeting your fleet objectives than perhaps at any previous time.

“For example, within the lower medium sector, it is possible to find ostensibly similar vehicles at the same price level but one might have a CO2 output 50% higher than its competitor. That vehicle will cost much more for the employer and driver to operate.

“For this reason, we expect to see fleets paying increasing attention to their choice lists and to revisit and revise them more often.”

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