Children’s charity Break has installed the in-vehicle driver coaching system Lightfoot on its fleet.

The charity, which has fitted the technology on the recommendation of supplier Activa Contracts, says it is expecting a 10%-15% saving on its annual fuel bill. 

It has a fleet that includes Ford and Skoda cars, and some vehicles converted for access by disabled children.

More than 300 people drive its vehicles in the course of its work to help looked-after children in East Anglia. 

Break initially equipped ten vehicles with Lightfoot earlier this year for a six week trial, first blind and then with real-time coaching delivered. 

Break health and safety facilities manager Clive Catterall said: “Once instant driver feedback was provided, the improvement in driving performance and smoothness in terms of fuel economy, speed and fewer examples of harsh acceleration and braking was immense. 

“We anticipate financial savings from reduced fuel usage, operating costs and insurance premiums across our 30-strong fleet will be reinvested into Break’s core services. 

“During a week behind the wheel of a Lightfoot-equipped vehicle, I was able to increase fuel economy by 10mpg. If that is repeated across the fleet in the coming months and years that will deliver a significant cost saving and more than pay for the technology.”

Lightfoot claims its real-time system is a big improvement on products that provide after the event data.

Fleet decision makers receive a weekly email highlighting the performance of all their drivers. Activa Contracts also undertakes analytical reviews and can make recommendations, including specific driver-targeted interventions if they are required.

Lightfoot says other benefits include reductions in crash rates, vehicle wear and tear, insurance premiums and CO2 emissions.

Catterall said: “Reducing insurance premiums as a consequence of fitting the technology across the fleet, limiting vehicle wear and tear on components, and also delivering fuel savings as a result of smoother driving will cut fleet costs with the savings ploughed into the running of frontline services.” 

Catterall added that the charity was also making use of Lightfoot’s vehicle tracking option.

He said: “Another reason for introducing Lightfoot was to help protect both employees and passengers.

“The technology provides the charity with clear visibility of vehicles and occupants, which is important in terms of personal safety.