A roadside assistance kit manufacturer is urging daily rental companies to “follow the lead” of leasing companies by including packs in all vehicles.

According to vGroup International, fleets expect rental cars to be a like-for-like short-term replacement for leased vehicles and should include accessories to protect drivers.

The firm has also started a campaign to equip rental vehicles with the kits and has had backing from many of the UK’s top leasing companies.

A spokeswoman for the firm claimed to BusinessCar that 600,000 rental vehicles are operating without safety kits each year.

A standard vGroup roadside assistance kit includes health and safety elements such as a warning triangle, hi-visibility jacket, first aid kit, torch, life hammer, foil blanket and tyre service kit.

The kits supplied to leasing vehicles can also include a range of other products such as bandages, plasters and dressings selected by fleet managers following a risk assessment.

“Health and safety at work legislation requires employers to have first aid kits easily accessible to employees in factories, offices and shops,” said Martyn Nash, chairman of vGroup. “The same regulations cover the driving of company vehicles so it makes logical sense for rental vehicles – and indeed all vehicles driven on business – to be similarly equipped.”