A seminar offering crisis management training for fleet professionals is being held by road safety charity Brake.

The event, part of the charity’s Global Fleet Champions campaign and sponsored by Alphabet GB, will take place in central Manchester on 4 December.

It will look at the procedures and policies an organisation should have in place to provide appropriate support following a road crash or other sudden, violent vehicle-related event.

Subjects to be covered include: practical and procedural issues following a sudden death or serious injury; possible commercial and legal implications for an organisation; how to look after the welfare of all those involved in and affected by an incident; the roles and responsibilities of professionals who work with bereaved and injured people; what can be done to support affected personnel, and the limitations of this; what should be communicated to other members of staff; and how to create a crisis response team.

Attendance is free, and places can be booked via the Global Fleet Champions website.

Brake senior fleet officer Sarah Plumb said: “Brake’s Global Fleet Champions campaign aims to prevent road crashes by sharing best practice and guidance with those responsible for at-work drivers across the world. However, it is also incredibly important for employers to be prepared for the worst and to ensure they have robust policies and procedures in place to support their employees, should one of them be involved in a crash.

“I would urge all executive managers, HR professionals and fleet management personnel to attend this free course delivered by industry experts so they can prepare their organisation to support all those affected, should the worst happen.”