BMW has rolled out a package of digital services to give UK fleets access to service and maintenance information on their vehicles.

While BMW has a global policy of not selling information gathered from its digitally connected cars to third parties, UK leasing companies and fleets that own BMWs can gain access to information on service items free of charge.

In addition, with BMW’s newest models and the ‘i’ cars, fleets can see the charge and fuel status of an entire fleet from a single online account. This new service, which was piloted in the first half of 2016 and has just been put live, also allows fleet managers to book servicing in real time.

Explaining the new system, BMW product manager for Connected Drive, Andrew Furse said: “We don’t sell any personal information to a third party, but any fleet or leasing company that owns a BMW can get a daily service alert feed that informs them of what needs servicing and also mileage details for other service items, such as brakes.

“We don’t supply telematics information, which we class as personal data about the driver, such as speed, location and mpg.”

Furse added that it was not possible to give speed and location information to anyone including the driver because it was anonymised before it entered BMW’s systems.