Matt Bristow has been appointed as BMW’s new fleet boss following previous incumbent Steve Chater’s promotion to become general manager of product and market planning as of the beginning of 2014.

Bristow has been general manager of used cars and internal sales for BMW UK for the past three-and-a-half years, and has  since October 2000 worked in various roles across BMW’s operations, including BMW? financial services and the company’s owned leasing firm Alphabet.

Chater led the corporate team across BMW, Mini and the new BMW i brand from January 2009, and his new role will involve ensuring the firm’s cars are as suitable as possible for the UK audience in terms of meeting the emissions, taxation and specification needs of business car operators and drivers, something his fleet background will help with.

The move to product and market planning is also one Chater’s predecessor Chris Brownridge made in late 2008 before eventually moving up to his current role as director of Mini UK.