Transport for London is trialing taxi-top digital advertising boards that display traffic information in an attempt to reduce congestion.

Initially, the messages will inform road users of traffic levels at 40 to 50 areas where there are known to be traffic delays, however, it is hoped that in the future the technology could provide frequent updates on incidents across the capital’s road network.

The messages will be displayed on 200 taxis fitted with the signs using GPS technology to ensure the information is up-to-date.

The trial follows on from an announcement last week that TfL is deploying a team of enforcement officers to tackle congestion in problem areas.

“This trial is an innovative new way to reach road users in London and keep them informed of traffic conditions,” said Garrett Emmerson, TfL’s chief operating officer for surface transport.

“Using the capital’s fleet of taxis to get real-time traffic information out will inform other drivers of any disruption on the network, helping them to avoid the most congested routes,” he added.

“It is one of many ways we are focusing our attention on keeping London moving, particularly during the current success-driven boom in construction seen across London.”