A new £43.7 million future traffic safety technology proving ground has opened in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The new centre, run by Asta Zero, has been built specifically to test future active safety systems and has the ability to conduct tests on urban, rural and multi-lane motorway environments. In certain studies, e.g. those involving complex traffic situations and high speeds, robots will operate the test vehicles.

Asta Zero’s total surface area amounts to about 2m square metres with a paved surface of 250 000 square metres. The facility is encircled by a three-mile highway connected to a city environment with four blocks, 40 by 25 metres.

The facility also features a high-speed area consisting of a circle, 240 metres in diameter, with “drop add-ons” joined to a 700-metre long multilane road.

Pether Wallin, AstaZero chief executive, said: “You can simulate all types of real-world traffic scenarios.

“At most proving grounds, the options are more limited.”

Volvo is working with Asta Zero to help it towards its goal of no one being killed or seriously injured in a new Volvo car by 2020.

Anders Axelson of Volvo Cars Safety Centre, said: “Safety testing under realistic circumstances is a prerequisite for developing our active safety systems.

“The facility will play several important roles: not only will it help us meet our safety vision, developing cars that don’t crash, it will also help us further develop safety functions that will address non-motorists, such as pedestrians and cyclists.”

One of AstaZero’s main functions will be as a platform for the research and development of next-generation safety technologies.

The centre will be working in collaboration with universities and industry partners like car manufacturers.

?The work at AstaZero will also include the development and testing of autonomous driving technology.

Advanced systems are also under progress to further help prevent, for example, inattentiveness and driver fatigue.