The Government has finally joined the growing number of organisations that recommend fitting anti-skid control as standard, following a new report.

The Effectiveness of Electronic Stability Control Systems in Great Britain report commissioned by the Government found that cars equipped with anti-skid control are 25% less likely to be involved in a fatal accident than those without it.

The report points out that if every car was fitted with such a safety system 380 lives would be saved each year.

Annual accident reduction with anti-skid control
Accident severity Reduction in accidents (%) Reduction in accidents (number)
Fatal 25 383
Serious 11 1102
Slight 6 6315
All 7 7800

Road safety minister Stephen Ladyman said: “The research proves what a powerful tool ESC could be in saving lives. I urge anyone thinking of buying a new car to consider the safety benefits that ESC could bring. Ask the vendor if it comes as standard and, if not, investigate whether it could be fitted as an option. I also call on manufacturers to fit this important piece of kit as standard more widely – it’s not expensive and has the potential to make our roads significantly safer.”

Labour’s move to support anti-skid control comes five weeks after a European Commission campaign was launched to encourage the standard fitting of the safety systems and almost a year after automotive research organisation Thatcham produced a similar report.

BusinessCar readers can download the full Government report here.