A new course designed to help manufacturers improve their relationships with fleet customers has been launched by the Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP), in partnership with sales, technology and marketing company ROI Automotive.

The target audience for the ‘Fleet Mindset Masterclass’ course is said to include manufacturer corporate sales executives, sales managers, and account managers.

AFP chair Paul Hollick said a pilot of the course had already been held, receiving positive feedback.

He said: “For us, the introduction of this training is a win-win. It combines the insight that ROI Automotive provides into the approach of manufacturers with the AFP’s awareness of current fleet manager concerns. 

“It’s very much a bridge between the two bodies and their areas of expertise, sharing knowledge to the benefit of all involved.

“The result is a course that provides manufacturers with an enhanced understanding of what fleet managers are aiming to achieve in 2025 and beyond, and the pressures, complexities and challenges they face. 

“This should in turn lead to those fleet managers receiving a higher level of service through greater understanding of their developing needs.”

ROI Automotive CEO Nigel Sandiford said: “Our automotive clients want to empower their teams to better support fleet managers but have found limited opportunities, so we have partnered with the AFP to create this unique course where they will gain a deeper understanding directly from fleet managers about what they need from suppliers. A day such as this – spending time refocusing on your customers – is invaluable. 

“Delegates will develop a solid understanding of the landscape of today’s fleet management, uncovering how fleet decisions are made, how internal stakeholders are managed and how to develop a client proposition beyond just selling a product.

“This isn’t a commercial venture for us – we’ve simply helped make it happen for the benefit of fleet buyers and fleet suppliers.”