ACFO is reporting strong renewal rates and above-average new member applications for 2010.

The fleet manager trade association is reporting increasing diversity of both type and size of business and the types of schemes they operate, while the number of non-renewals is running at a rate lower than any of the last three years. “We are seeing the emergence of management of business travel by motor vehicle, rather than fleet management,” said ACFO board member Stewart Whyte, who also said that while ‘fleet manager’ was still the most popular job title of its members, it still accounted for just 10% of the total, illustrating the diversity of people that have a degree of fleet responsibility.

Many of the new applicants to join ACFO are from the smaller end of the business car scale. “This is exactly as we hoped, as we can deploy the huge amount of expertise already held by the bigger/fuller-time/more professional fleets, to trickle-down good/best practice in all levels of fleet management, to the smaller/newer/less experienced fleet managers/administrators, whether full- or part-time” said Whyte.

“The plethora of schemes, the levels of perceived fragility across some supply lines, the green and duty of care agendas, and ever-increasing costs all seem to be pointing towards a better reception for ‘good fleet management’ to an even wider audience,” he said. “That can only benefit everyone.”