ACFO and ICFM have teamed up in an attempt to help promote the benefits of professional fleet management and the importance of training in the sector.

The two not-for-profit organisations will also share best practice ideas, and will have representation on each other’s boards to provide co-ordination in the future.

Former TSB Autolease and Alphabet strategic fleet consultant Nigel Trotman will represent both organisations, and will attend ACFO board meetings in a non-voting capacity.

Trotman currently serves on ICFM’s board.

The development follows a tie-up between ACFO and ICFM from six years ago when they agreed to work in tandem on areas of mutual benefit.

As a result of the closer tie-up between the two fleet bodies, measures initially taking place will include:

. The promotion and sharing of membership initiatives

. Each organisation promoting the other on their respective websites

. Each organisation to have stand representation at the other’s events and source speakers

. ICFM and ACFO to jointly consider the launch of new training courses.

“ACFO represents the interests of fleet operators in the UK promoting their views to government, motor manufacturers and industry suppliers,” ACFO chairman John Pryor said. “It also promotes operating best practice and tackles key issues through regular conferences and seminars”.

“The ICFM is dedicated to providing fleet managers, administrators, fleet service providers and those whose job responsibilities include fleet with the highest standard of education and training programmes which foster and promote best practice in all aspects of vehicle fleet management,” he added.