Applied Driving Techniques has increased the number of drivers it is managing by 30% in the last year due to greater demand from the industry.
ATD said it increased the number of its driver workshops from 30 to 100 last year, while increasing the number of its training days by a quarter, fuelled by companies wanting to achieve higher levels of road safety, duty of care and operational performance.
The risk management firm also introduced a web portal aimed at managing risk and ensuring legal compliance, by showing data and control of risk audits and assessments, grey fleet management and licence monitoring.
ADT recently launched DriveSafe 2015, which it said is a study designed to explore if behavioral profiling can be used by fleets to identity whether a driver is a high risk.
The survey is backed by road safety charity Brake and insurer Allianz, and will involve tracking more than 20,000 vehicles from across the UK with the intention of improving driver recruitment and addressing problems with the current driver risk assessment.
“We are certainly seeing a greater number of organisations looking to enhance employee safety and wellbeing, protect corporate reputation and operate a responsible fleet, which helped us achieve record growth during 2014,” said Andy Phillips, director of Applied Driving Techniques.
“We have been investing heavily to meet this added demand and we have already secured a number a new partnerships that will commence this year. This is expected to double the number of drivers monitored and managed by our risk management offering over the next 12 months,” said Phillips.