The Highways Agency will be exhibiting at BusinessCar Live to demonstrate both the work it does to cut congestion and its free traffic information services.

The HA is the executive agency of the Department for Transport (DfT) responsible for operating, maintaining and improving England’s motorway and strategic trunk road network.

It will be giving a presentation during the seminar programme to show how it’s working to cut congestion, including the purpose-built National Traffic Control Centre in Birmingham. This is the hub of the national motorway network: it collects and analyses traffic data from a variety of sources to provide business drivers with real-time traffic information both pre-journey and en-route.

The Highways Agency‘s stand in the exhibition arena will demonstrate the free services it’s able to offer. These include both internet-based products such as traffic websites and live traffic feeds for an individual desktop as well as a telephone helpline. The agency says it wants to work with businesses to help staff use them effectively to obtain the latest traffic information.

For more info call 08457 504030 or email quoting Project Outreach.