Commercial vehicle drivers have the chance to reduce their environmental impact by using a new GoGreen Fuel card issued by Rix BioDiesel. The card allows drivers to buy conventional diesel but also ensures that their environmental footprint is as if they were buying BioBlend5 biodiesel.

Managing director Rory Clarke explains: “Rix BioBlend5 biodiesel can be used interchangeably with conventional diesel, as it meets the UK diesel standard EN590. Unfortunately, few garages feel able to dedicate a pump to BioBlend5 with the result that drivers don’t have the availability of the product across the country that they would like.

“The GoGreen card completely removes this barrier by allowing drivers to buy conventional diesel at a wide range of outlets across the country knowing that, when Rix are asked to replace the conventional diesel in national fuel system by the card operators, it will be BioBlend5 which is introduced. In this way the overall amount of conventional diesel being used nationally is reduced and replaced with BioBlend5.”

By using the practical mechanisms of the fuel card system Rix can certify the carbon saving that has been allocated to a company as a result of using the GoGreen card. For example, a fleet operator using 10,000 litres of conventional diesel a month, simply by purchasing through the GoGreen card, would deliver a 2.25 tonne per annum reduction in company carbon emissions.

Rory Clarke is excited by the possibilities: “As an industry we have to press forward taking first the easy steps and then the more difficult steps to demonstrate that we are serious about environmental improvement. The GoGreen card is an easy step. It allows fleet managers to gain measurable and verifiable carbon savings without asking their users to make significant changes. Big fleet operators can contribute real carbon saving figures into environmental audits while smaller operators can include environmental value-added to their tenders for business.”