It’s clear that the fleet industry is continuing to play a massive part in driving down vehicle emissions in the UK.

The largest leasing firms are heading toward a 110g/km CO2 average and ultra-low emission vehicle sales are rocketing, admittedly from a low base. But (there’s always a ‘but’, isn’t there?), by 31 December the Government will have been forced by the EU to submit detailed plans on how it will reduce air pollution in the UK, and there are some big questions marks over what sort of measures will be introduced.

Could we see the current CO2-based vehicle taxation system adapted to include NOx emissions? Does the devolution of powers to cities with an elected mayor mean we can expect more congestion-charge zones across the UK?

I think there’s another hurdle standing in the way of progress, particularly when it comes to plug-in vehicles, and that’s information.

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the cars available in the UK, which will appear online tomorrow,  but trying to track down the maximum potential range and charge times for each plug-in wasn’t simple. However, our results should give you a clear breakdown of what’s on offer, and it’s an impressive mix of cars across a variety of sectors. For those contemplating taking the plunge with ULEVs, I hope reading this special edition sheds some light on what is becoming an increasingly important segment.

I also just wanted to mention Editor Barker is swapping diesel for pedal power and is entering the London-Brighton bike ride on 21 June for the British Heart Foundation. If you feel like supporting this worthy cause, and an unfit bloke’s attempt to ride 56 miles, then please head here.