I can’t believe what I read the other day in a rival publication. It was a reader contribution, so no knocking the publication concerned…

Limited thought

I can’t believe what I read the other day in a rival publication. It was a reader contribution, so no knocking the publication concerned. The crux of the proposal, from a member of the Secular Franciscan Order, was that the only answer to our dwindling oil reserves was for a blanket 30mph speed limit to be imposed, including motorways! Now that takes the biscuit!

Let’s get real here. We are not talking about a sudden oil tanker drivers’ strike or an OPEC freeze. We have known all along that our oil supplies were gradually going to drop. That’s a natural fact of life.

This kind of sudden knee jerk reaction makes my blood boil. How on earth does the reader expect the authorities to police his suggestion when most vehicles are capable of over 100mph and can reach 30mph in second gear?

Vehicle manufacturers have been working on alternative-powered vehicles for years and various solutions from hybrids to bio-fuelled to electric cell vehicles are running on our roads today.

The fact is that the vehicle is here to stay and it is up to the ingenuity of man to come up with a sustainable long-term solution. A top speed of 30mph is simply not the answer.