Well in my open letter to Gordon Brown, the last thing I thought he would do is appoint Ruth Kelly as secretary of state for transport!

A step too far?

Well in my open letter to Gordon Brown, the last thing I thought he would do is appoint Ruth Kelly as secretary of state for transport!

If her record for education is anything to go by, we are in for a rocky road. About the only good thing to say at this stage is she’s a woman. With so many women climbing the corporate ladder and so many women drivers it’s good to see a lady at the wheel again. And, no, I’m not being sexist, I mean it!

Immediately, David Cameron took a leaf out of Gordon Brown’s book and appointed Theresa Villiers as shadow secretary of state for transport. That means ladies definitely are at the wheel!

Fortunately, we had lady luck on our side this weekend with three attempted bomb attacks thwarted but a sinister turn of events in so much as the alleged plotters appear to come from a completely different class than before. If, indeed, it turns out that professional doctors were involved then things have definitely taken a turn for the worse.

This got me thinking this morning about tracking devices. The police have made real effective use of call tracking in their swift apprehension of the suspects and undoubtedly telematics would come to the fore also. Here I think the black box would have a role in countering terrorism.

If it became law that every vehicle had to be fitted with a black box then certainly the role of our police, MI5 and MI6 forces would be made easier. We could have ‘black box entrance gates’ to city centres where vehicles would immediately be barred from progressing further if they did not have a working black box fitted. That way, the authorities could then monitor movements inside towns and cities. While not preventing an evil crime from taking place, it would make life a lot easier for them to arrest terrorists.

I know that there will be immediately an outcry about an invasion of our personal liberties but with so much personal information already held on central databases, our reputation as the country with the most CCTV cameras, then maybe it’s not a step too far.