My opening letter to Gordon Brown, as of today our new Prime Minister, would go like this…

Dear Fellow Countryman,

Congratulations on finally reaching the top step of the podium. Like Lewis Hamilton, now is your chance to breathe fresh life into a tired administration.

The responsibilities on your shoulders are indeed weighty but the opportunity is yours. Do not squander it! Make the environment one of your top issues and encourage ‘greener’ fleets.

Avoid potentially costly and messy technical solutions to our congestion problems by taxing at the point of use, the pump.

Encourage the use of cleaner, more environmentally-friendly fuels through lower pricing and discourage polluting fuels in the way you already know best, heavy taxation.

Clear up the uncertainty currently surrounding the future of ECOS but remain mindful of the British economy’s need for a strong fleet industry. Navigate through these controversial waters with care and recognise the need for continued mobility at a price that this planet can afford.

And if you must allow the positioning of more and more speed cameras, don’t let them be recognised a mile off by the compulsive speedsters.

Make sure your successor in the Exchequer routes the funds back into our transport system.

Above all, ensure our economy remains on the move, including our vehicles!

Thank you.