I am a great believer in surveys in general but sometimes you really shouldn’t even take some of them with a pinch of salt! Sex surveys are notoriously…

Sex sells

I am a great believer in surveys in general but sometimes you really shouldn’t even take some of them with a pinch of salt!

Sex surveys are notoriously skewed or downright ambiguous. How many blokes are really going to admit that they are not a wild stallion in bed or do not have sex at least five times a week?

As they say, sex sells. Now that I have your attention, I can turn to a topic not quite so sexy, mobile phones!

The latest survey on driver usage states that use of hand-held mobile phones while driving has dropped by 40 per cent from 1.7 per cent of all drivers to just one per cent. That means that for every 100 drivers you see out on the road, only one is using a hand-held mobile phone. Oh yeah?

I bet if you stood on any street corner you would count well over one driver disobeying the law. Don’t restrict your kerb-side observation to the towns, either. Go out in the countryside and do a roadside count. Hand-held mobile phone usage is widespread and should be stopped as soon as possible.

According to the road safety minister, the drop in law-breakers is down to the tightening of penalties, namely a £60 fine and three penalty points.

Well I for one would strongly contest that is not a sufficiently strong deterrent, especially given the fact that the road safety minister himself declares that research shows using any mobile phone while driving “can make a crash four times more likely.”

ACFO chairman, Julie Jenner is equally sceptical. She declares “I am surprised by these figures because I don’t see evidence on the road of that kind of reduction in use.”

According to Mark Twain, Disraeli declared, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” I couldn’t agree more.