Well it’s all been happening while I’ve been on holiday in Greece. Under sweltering 40 degree plus conditions, I could hardly believe the horror stories emerging from our small island as it appeared to sink in the middle…

Working together

Well it’s all been happening while I’ve been on holiday in Greece. Under sweltering 40 degree plus conditions, I could hardly believe the horror stories emerging from our small island as it appeared to sink in the middle.

The rain reports beggared belief and it was a relief to have chosen somewhere so hot and dry. However, my heart really goes out to anyone who has had their home flooded out. It must be the most dreadful experience and will take time to get over.

Perhaps as insurance companies have and will continue to pay out huge claims for flood damage, the Government should consider approaching the major insurers to contribute to some of the cost of improved flood defences. Ultimately, it could save them and policy holders money in the long-term!

Meanwhile, businesses and the transport infrastructure also took a real hit in affected parts and the economy will have suffered as a consequence.

Government needs to take the whole question of climate change seriously and reduce harmful emissions as a priority. I think probably Gordon Brown will be a better driving force in that regard than former Prime Minister Blair. At least Brown appears not to be President Bush’s pet poodle from all accounts.

Better news comes in the front page story of the current issue of BusinessCar. After all the publicity on the impending legislation, I was becoming increasingly concerned that the long-awaited Corporate Manslaughter Bill would fall by the wayside after being over 10 years in the making.

Roll on April 6 next year when the Bill comes into effect. Companies need to understand that if they do not fulfil their duty of care responsibilities they will incur the full wrath of the law. Unlimited fines for companies that are in serious breach will be the result although unfortunately individual company directors will not now have to take the blame in court.

Corporate social responsibility, which includes duty of care, should become something prospective employees demand from their future employers, especially as there is now a war on talent.

After all, a caring employer is one worth working for.