BusinessCar’s deputy editor Paul Barker puts 13 questions to new Mitsubishi fleet boss Toby Marshall

1. What was your first job? When on university holidays, washing cars in company car parks.

2. What was your first company car? Golf GTi

3. What did you listen to on your last car journey? Red Hot Chili Peppers.

4. What one thing do you wish you could do better? Row faster!

5. What’s your biggest achievement? Part of the original team setting up Mitsubishi‘s new fleet department.

6. Who are your role models? My father and grandfather.

7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? Entering Royal Henley Regatta and racing the under 21 world champions in the first round. Needless to say my Henley experience was over fairly quickly!

8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting? Staff uniforms for the Commercial Vehicle Show.

9. What’s in your garage? My drinking bike (a bike that is so unattractive that it never gets taken from outside the pub!).

10. What’s the worst thing about your job? Not being face to face with customers as much as I would like.

11. What one law would you make or change? Increase motorway speed limits to bring them in line modern vehicles and their abilities.

12. What keeps you awake at night? My 11 month old baby.

13. Who is your ideal celebrity date? Pam Ayres.