For anyone working in the automotive sector, myself included, new vehicle technologies are regularly a source of conversation. Most people have a view on hybrid, electric and even hydrogen vehicles, but no-one really knows which will be the dominant fuel of the future.

That’s why it’s interesting that supermarket chain Sainsbury’s has committed to offer refuelling for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. By the end of the year, Sainsbury’s in Hendon (North West London) will have a dispenser.

As with any new vehicle technology, there is a chicken and egg scenario. Without the refuelling or recharging network the vehicles will never take off. However, a widespread network is a huge investment, and potentially a risk, if there isn’t significant demand for the product.

Much of the conversation currently focuses on hybrid and electric vehicles. Hybrids because there are plenty of practical options available and the take-up is growing all the time. Electric because although these vehicles don’t suit everyone, and adoption is currently very low, they are visible on our roads.

It’s less the case with hydrogen vehicles; however this is an interesting announcement from a supermarket with massive national coverage. At the same time, the Government has announced that it will fund a further 15 hydrogen stations next year to add to the 13 already in existence.

Hydrogen has the potential to deliver efficient, environmentally friendly and practical vehicles and it feels like momentum is starting to build. I’m still reserving judgement but the next couple of years will give us a clearer view as to whether we are likely to be driving hydrogen powered vehicles (as the norm) in the future.

Mike Waters is senior insight & consultancy manager at Arval, the leading vehicle leasing and fleet management company.