The sun has been shining, the flags are starting to appear on cars and everywhere you turn there’s a St George’s cross. Football fever is certainly gripping the nation in the run up to the World Cup and I’m sure many businesses are considering whether to allow employees to watch key games at work. For example, England play Slovenia on Wednesday 23rd June at 3pm UK time.

Whether employees are or aren’t allowed to watch the games at work, there is something that all companies need to be doing to prepare and that is reminding staff about drink driving limits.

No-one wants to dampen the enthusiasm the country will feel for the forthcoming tournament. However, businesses in particular need to be mindful of staff issues around excessive consumption of alcohol and the obvious consequences for safe driving practices.

I’m certainly supporting road safety charity Brake in their campaign. Brake’s general manager is Sarah Fatica and she recently said: “Any amount of alcohol affects your ability to drive safely and impacts on your reaction times and judgment. It can be far too easy to get carried away in the excitement of a match and start drinking, or drink more than you’d originally planned. We’re challenging all drivers drinking during the World Cup to plan, in advance, how they’re getting home as well as planning enough time to sober up before driving the next day. A decrease in drink-drive casualties this summer is the one thing we should all be supporting this World Cup.”

Companies should look to prepare for the football bonanza with a proactive approach to communication, information and support that includes appropriate reminders to staff around drink driving limit issues when it affects drivers in the workplace, and to think about putting some practical measures in place to prevent drink driving ‘own goals’ for businesses.

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