The Euros are under way – a feast of football for sports fans and a nightmare for everyone else.

Whether drinking to enjoy the game with some friends, or drinking to take your mind off the amount of sport on TV at the moment, the chances are that your alcohol intake will increase over the next few weeks. This of course has a direct impact for drivers.

Because of the number of evening games drivers are being warned about the morning after effect; driving into work the next day while still over the legal limit.

It’s not easy to judge how long to leave it after drinking but many drivers will assume that a night’s sleep will do the trick.

The problem is that the time period that you have to leave it before driving is much longer than most of us think.

As an indicator: if you drink four pints of strong lager, you need to leave it 13 hours after the last drink before driving. While three 250ml glasses of wine also take 13 hours to get through, and out of your system.

If you’re getting home from the pub after 8pm (which most people will be), that doesn’t allow most of us to sober up ahead of the commute to work the next day.

It is known that police forces across the country proactively plan spot checks on the mornings after events like this so drivers that are over the limit have a higher probability of being caught.

So enjoy the championships (at least as much as any England fan could have done until this weekend) but beware of driving over the limit. F

or a rough guide on how long certain types of alcohol stays in your system, there is a calculator on

Although if you do take a look; it comes with the big caveat that it’s different for everyone so it’s always best to proceed with a cautious approach.

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