When it comes to vehicle maintenance, tyres are a crucial component. The reality is that you can be travelling along the motorway at 70mph and all that’s keeping you on the road are four small rubber contact points.

With this in mind, your tyres must be kept in the right condition or the results can be catastrophic. However, according to new research from the HiQ fast fit network, nearly half of British motorists (42%) make journeys on tyres that are significantly worn and probably not legal.

Given the facts, surely this isn’t a risk worth taking from a legal, cost or safety perspective. Worn tyres can equate to thousands of pounds worth of fines, potential driving bans and serious accidents. More specifically:

. One worn or defective tyre could cost you a fine of £2500

. Three points will be added to your license for each tyre with a tread depth less than 1.6mm

. Two tyre lengths could be added to your stopping distance at 50mph in wet conditions

Of all the aspects of maintenance, tyre condition is one of the easiest to manage; you don’t even need to get under the bonnet. Therefore, when you weigh up the impact of driving with worn tyres against the effort required to maintain them; what you’re left with really is the definition of a ‘no brainer’.

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