Those that read my blog posts will know I’ve used it regularly to wave the flag for environmental issues be it running a green fleet, combating emissions or looking at the latest green technologies running off the production line.

Save the world and make money – surely not!

Those that read my blog posts will know I’ve used it regularly to wave the flag for environmental issues be it running a green fleet, combating emissions or looking at the latest green technologies running off the production line.

While the green bandwagon is certainly rolling in the fleet sector, in the main, all but the most environmentally focused of companies have done little to change the make-up of their fleet or the driving behaviour of their drivers. Why bother when the car manufacturers are coming up with new and clever ways to make sure our vehicles and chugging out lower and lower emissions.

That’s fair enough. They’re busy running their businesses and making sure company car drivers have the right vehicles to help them get their job done when they should be doing it. After all, that’s what having a company car is all about isn’t it? Add record fuel prices and changing health and safety legislation into the mix and businesses have more than enough to worry about without having to think about the environment as well.

While this can be understood, but as the UK moves toward a Low Carbon Economy, businesses need to start getting their environmental house in order. And with vehicles typically second on the emissions list after buildings, sorting out your fleet should be fairly high up on the ‘to do’ list.

It seems the sentiment of saving the world isn’t yet enough to spur people into action, however, so how about thinking about it in a different way. Green motoring can save you cash – that’s right, going green is not only good for mother earth, but also for your wallet. Got your attention?

You might be reading this and be thinking “talk about stating the bleedin’ obvious, everyone knows not revving the engine will reduce emissions and save a few quid”, but if you are, you are in the minority.

A new survey by RAC has revealed just how poor Britons score when it comes to eco-driving. Two thirds of drivers aren’t aware that changing gear when revs are high can reduce fuel consumption and 40% think that driving under 45mph always saves fuel. A further 77% were not aware that under-inflated tyres increase fuel consumption and 14% wrongly believed that warming up the engine before moving off reduces fuel used.

Some of these statistics might bring a smile of incredulity to your face, but they clearly demonstrate just how much work needs to be done to get drivers aware of how driving behaviour and vehicle maintenance can reduce fuel consumption and emissions. RAC reckon that every motorist could save up to £100 per year through more efficient, green driving.

So if the high fuel prices are bringing on a headache in how you run and drive your company cars, maybe it’s time to start thinking green and enjoy the feeling that comes with helping to create a healthier world (as well as healthier bank balance!).

Until the next time,
