In recent years, we have become so used to fuel prices climbing that we expect this to always be the case.

That’s why it is a really nice surprise that prices have begun to fall, and at a higher rate than we have become accustomed to in recent years.

As is often the case, the supermarkets have led with the most aggressive pricing providing the best value for drivers, but it is fair to say that the other fuel brands have followed suit giving hard-up drivers some important and welcome respite.

Fuel is a major cost and any increase or fall in the pump price is one that the majority of the population quickly feels. There is no doubt that this fall will deliver welcome savings but the more pragmatic drivers amongst us will enjoy it while it lasts while not expecting prices to fall forever.

The biggest influence on the price of fuel is generally supply and demand (although exchange rate fluctuations have played a role in recent petrol price reductions).

Demand isn’t going to fall in the coming months and there are no signs that supply capacity will boom either. While no-one can be 100% certain, it’s fair to assume that the trend of falling pump prices will not be a long-term one.

That’s why drivers must continue to be savvy and make the most of their fuel. It’s not the only influencing factor, but the way that you drive has a significant impact on the amount of fuel that you use.

Those drivers wanting to generate the most efficiency from their vehicle need to think about three main areas: speed, acceleration and braking.

If you can reduce your speed slightly and ensure that acceleration and braking is done gently and smoothly you can reap the rewards.

Of course it’s important to enjoy price changes when they are in our favour but not to rely on them because things can quickly change.

Positively managing and influencing your fuel usage will allow you to reduce your ongoing costs. Taking this approach will allow you to enjoy the good movements in price and be ready to absorb the not so welcome ones.