Vehicle maintenance isn’t always something that we put a lot of time and effort into, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. We all spend a lot of time in our cars and we need them to be safe and economical.

Of course, one of the simplest and most important areas to think about are your tyres and what better time than this October, which is Tyre Safety Month.

The organisers, TyreSafe, have come up with some shocking statistics to underpin the campaign and suggest that 10 million vehicles across the UK could potentially have illegal tyres. They also say that one in four vehicles could have at least one illegal and dangerous tyre.

We’re all busy people but tyres are not an area to ignore, especially with pressure gauges readily available at petrol stations across the country.  Looking after your tyres doesn’t have to be a time consuming job. Doing simple checks on a regular basis can make all the difference and stop minor issues from becoming serious.  As a reminder, here are the things that you can do:

  • Check the air pressure, condition and tread depth on your tyres at least once a month
  • Visit your local participating tyre dealer during Tyre Safety Month for a free tyre safety check
  • Sign up to TyreSafe’s social media channels to receive tyre safety advice

Tyre Safety Month is a great initiative and one to be taken seriously. There are plenty of good reasons to act:

  • Tread depth has a decisive influence on the way your vehicle accelerates, brakes and corners
  • Safe tyres with legal tread depth will reduce the risks to you, your passengers and all road users
  • Driving on tyres with illegal tread depth carries a risk of a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points for each illegal tyre.