BusinessCar’s deputy editor Paul Barker puts 13 testing questions to Kia sales director Yaser Shabsogh
1. What was your first job? Business development manager in Ford Customer Service
2. What was your first company car? Ford Mondeo
3. What did you listen to on your last car journey? Chrome Dreams II by Neil Young
4. What one thing do you wish you could do better? Manage my time
5. What’s your biggest achievement? Yet to come
6. Who are your role models? My father
7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? Bungee jumping at a dealer launch on camera and hurting my neck in the process!
8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting? Will we hit our latest target – conclusion was that we would
9. What’s in your garage? Just my cars, it is surprisingly clean
10. What’s the worst thing about your job? Too little time out with the dealers
11. What one law would you make or change? Laws of time, need one more day in the week
12. What keeps you awake at night? My children
13. Who is your ideal celebrity date? Jamie Lee Curtis circa Trading Places or Rita Hayworth circa Gilda