BusinessCar’s Paul Barker puts 13 testing questions to another victim

1. What was your first job?

Assistant golf professional in 1986 at Lakey Hill Golf Club in Dorset.

2. What was your first company car?

A 1.4 Vauxhall Astra GL in bright red.

3. What did you listen to on your last car journey?

Nicky Campbell on Radio 5 Live talking to small business owners about how difficult it is to get banks to lend money.

4. What one thing do you wish you could do better?


5. What’s your biggest achievement?

This is where I should say something about work but nothing comes close to winning the Club Championship at Blackmoor Golf Club in 2004. The putter worked OK that day!

6. Who is your role model?

I’ve had many over the years – all work colleagues. I used to be a big fan of Sir Alan Sugar but it’s all a bit false now on The Apprentice. The original East End boy ‘done good’ was the late Brian Sneath, the founder of Leasedrive – an absolute legend.

7. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done?

Filled up a pool car with diesel. Yes, you guessed it – it ran better on unleaded!

8. What was the most hotly debated topic at your last meeting?

I can’t remember the last hotly debated topic at work. We have a great team spirit and common sense seems to always prevail at Leasedrive Velo. At home, it was the quote for the new patio!

9. What’s in your garage?

The usual junk: half empty paint pots from five years ago, at least two dysfunctional lawn mowers, a mountain bike I used at least once and lots of golf clubs.

10. What’s the worst thing about your job?

HR issues. When I started in sales, if you missed your target three months in a row you got fired. Nowadays, you have to follow a process.

11. What one law would you make or change?

Re-introduce National Service to instil some discipline into the youth of today.

12. What keeps you awake at night?

I was burgled 15 years ago while at home and came face-to-face with the intruder. Ever since then, I don’t sleep well.

13. Who is your ideal celebrity date?

I’m married to my ideal woman so a date with her will do just fine.