TTC Group had been experiencing a general growing interest from clients around what they could do with individual driving data – and already we are starting to see signs that this trend has been vastly accelerated in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Influenced by the rapid uptake in technologies, changes in individual’s behaviours and daily routines, as well as continued rising demand from clients for deeper insights into their driver population, it’s obvious the road safety sector is on the cusp of real business change. 

But in exactly what form and, moreover, how long it will take is the key. 

First steps 

The first steps in embracing ‘digital’ have seen organisations log driver information digitally in order to create records. In some cases, these records have then been connected and even integrated to provide more of a historic overview. Yet the issue of road safety is here and now, and needs to be viewed holistically rather than in silos. 

Today data from multiple sources, including tracking and telematics data, dashcam footage, parking charges and speeding offences is all available. However, amalgamating that information into something coherent and meaningful is the next step in road safety. 

What we are now potentially entering is an era of automation, artificial intelligence and connectivity which integrates existing data sources effectively and from it interprets meaningful and valuable insights to deliver road safety, risk management and other benefits. 

With our multiple business strands – across the private and public sectors – the benefits of aggregated data inputs create a full circle approach to road safety, providing benefits to both individuals and businesses alike. 


What improving road safety ultimately boils down to is two things in today’s business world: culture and technology. If there has ever been a time where the value of both has been under the microscope it has been during the recent challenges. 

Road safety, I am certain, is one of those areas where through the deployment of technology and the adoption of new ways of thinking there can be huge benefits with regards compliance, health and safety, and commercial opportunities. 

Marry cultures of trust with the right technology solutions and ‘personalisation’ will undoubtedly become the ‘new norm’ in road safety for business.