“Speed kills!” That’s what we keep hearing, and yes, speed does kill. But it’s inappropriate speed that actually kills – so what do we mean when we say “speed kills”?

An inappropriate speed could be driving at 30 mph past school children, causing danger to young lives.

It could also be driving at 30 mph in a national speed limit, causing a build up of traffic and drivers taking risks to get past you.

The problem with a lot of drivers is that they are applying poor judgement. Failing to recognise the danger they are causing by driving quickly past a school, causing a hold up on a main road or failing to appreciate that they will not be able to stop at the speed they are travelling if a hazard appears.

It is therefore a lack of knowledge combined with bad attitude that results in poor judgement and ultimately in accidents.

And this results in the Government, police and every other Joe Bloggs saying “speed kills”, when in fact it’s not getting to the root of the problem.

Let’s look again at the driver who drives well below the speed limit when it is safe for them to drive at a higher speed: these people think they are safe drivers, but actually they frustrate other road users and we all know that being frustrated is not a good state of mind to drive in.

Another example is the driver ahead who keeps speeding up and immediately slows down for no reason. This leads to anger and frustration for the drivers behind them.

But how do you know if your company drivers have a problem with speed? Remember, just checking their licence for points won’t necessarily tell you they have a problem. It will simply tell you they’ve been caught.

What will give you a better insight into who has a problem with speeding is by understanding your drivers.

Who is the driver no one wants to get in the car with? Which drivers use the phrases: “suddenly”, “all of a sudden”, or “they came out of nowhere”.

Speeding drivers always use these excuses, as do those using inappropriate speed following an accident or near miss.

Whatever type of speeder you have in your fleet, if you increase their knowledge and in turn their attitude, you will reduce their chance of a speeding ticket and more importantly their chance of an accident.