Engineering, enforcement, emergency medical services and education! These are the four ‘E’s of road safety and, to give a quick overview, they are:

Engineering – vehicle design, road layouts, road signs and other hardware advancements.

Enforcement – speed cameras and other such measures. However, enforcement is being diminished due to the reduction in police traffic officers.

Emergency medical services – an area that has had a positive impact on the reduction of fatality statistics due to advancements in medical care, both at the scene of a crash and in hospitals.

So that’s the first three, all of which have contributed to reducing the number of people being killed and injured on UK roads year-on-year. However, they are all very expensive to implement and maintain, and road users cannot implement them.

The last ‘E’, however, doesn’t have to be expensive and you don’t have to be an MP or a highway engineer to implement it.

Education – this is something every company can give its drivers and it doesn’t necessarily involve expensive on-road training. It could be as simple as putting up road safety posters, discussing all incidents with drivers to identify their weaknesses (these could be as simple as the driver needing an eye test), using information freely available on the internet, such as crash statistics to road to plan routes.

Perhaps putting it on the agenda of management meetings, setting company targets to reduce accidents and encouraging a road safety culture within the organisation.

None of this is very difficult, nor is it expensive. And of course, you can inform, educate and train drivers online too, integrating road safety into their working lives.

But before you attempt to educate your drivers, it’s a good idea to understand their strengths and weaknesses. As an example, if it turns out that most drivers are poor at hazard perception, focus on this in your communications. If their knowledge is weak (which for many drivers it is), put together a campaign stressing the dangers of not knowing the basic road laws.

Such a campaign is easy done, and if it avoids just a few crashes this year, it’s more than likely to pay for itself – and promotes a culture of safety in your organisation, too