Cancer sadly touches many people’s lives, and it’s now touched ours.

Sharon Hurdle, who was a key part of E-Training World’s success, but more importantly my wife, passed away on Wednesday 9th December. She suffered a short battle with the disease after only being diagnosed a few weeks earlier. She will be hugely missed but leaves many happy memories with those who knew her.

Sharon was as passionate about road safety as all of us, and I decided to write this blog in tribute to her. Quite naturally, after the death of anyone close to you, it’s hard to concentrate and it’s a stark reminder that employers should be extremely careful to allow any at-work drivers to get behind the wheel of a vehicle if their mind is elsewhere.

If you are aware that members of your team have lost a loved one, are experiencing severe problems in their personal lives or are affected by anything else that may impact their ability to focus on their driving, please give them time. Someone who has their mind on something else can be driving on autopilot and not fully engaged with the task in hand, and this can be extremely dangerous.

At E-Training World, we are a very close team and therefore cancelled all meetings for a week and, effectively banned ourselves from any unnecessary driving. It was an easy decision for us, however we appreciate for some companies it may be frowned upon. All we ask is, ‘For the sake a few days, is it worth the risk?’

The good news is that during Sharon’s time in road safety, she was involved in helping to save other people’s lives through E-Training World’s corporate activities, and also with our development of a free web site to alert people to the dangers of drinking and driving, as well as an online system to make children safer around roads.

For those of you who were lucky enough to work with her, I am sure you will join me in saying thank you to someone who had dedicated their work life to a truly worthwhile cause.