The reporting, or not, of work-related road accidents is a potentially prickly subject that I have been discussing for a while with various industry experts. In particular the Reporting of Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, which specifically excludes road-related injuries and deaths, while all other work-related incidents that result in an employee taking at least three days off work need by law to be reported.

Some are pushing hard for RIDDOR to start including road accidents, and on the face of it there’s plenty of logic in turning the spotlight on an area that accounts for around 1000 deaths and 25,000 injuries a year. But these figures are only guesswork because there’s currently no obligation to record the death or injury of someone driving for work. They’re just lumped in with all the other incidents that happen on UK roads.

However, there are those that believe regulation isn’t the answer. There are plenty of firms that are already doing good work on accident prevention, monitoring and management, and they will already be meeting whatever regulation comes in but will have to tick more boxes on more forms to prove it in the right way; whereas those firms not already operating in a best-practice way will just ignore the new regulation and hope for the best, safe in the knowledge that the HSE is already overwhelmed with its current caseload without taking on a massive increase due to the number of road accidents that involve business drivers in some form or another.

It’s a tricky subject without a straightforward answer.