The makers and breakers of the industry can have a massive impact on the fortunes of fleet car operators, drivers and suppliers across the UK.

BusinessCar’s annual Power List defines the 50 most influential players in this vibrant sector of the motor industry. Between them, these ladies and gentleman control and influence the acquisition and operation of millions of vehicles.

It’s been what could be termed an interesting 12 months for the leasing companies in particular, with the top 10 players looking very different from the way they shaped up a year ago, and it’s these changes that drive the shuffling of the 2011 top 10.

Political pressures and changing governmental priorities also have an influence on our list, as do some heavyweight personnel changes over the past 12 months.

Mixing leasing companies, manufacturers and figures of authority or influence is a delicate task, as is comparing the hard volume figures of some companies against others’ ability to lead or sway the business car sector. We make no apologies for it being a subjective list, based on the decisions of the experienced BusinessCar team, and to be honest, it’s designed to create a bit of discussion and controversy.

I’m quite happy for people to disagree with our assessments – lists like this are designed and destined to provoke disagreement. Feel free to let us know who you think is missing or is ranked too high or too low!