Slightly worried that I keep spotting accidents or ‘interesting’ on-road incidents. Last week it was a Tory MP phone-driving (more on that soon), the week before it was speed camera demolition job by a US pick-up.

14 May 2007: Burning PT Cruiser

Slightly worried that I keep spotting accidents or ‘interesting’ on-road incidents. Last week it was a Tory MP phone-driving (more on that soon), the week before it was speed camera demolition job by a US pick-up.

Now I’ve seen a burning PT Cruiser.

Please excuse the quality of the picture, it was taken at night on my mobile phone. When I passed it on my way home from work the car was already well alight.

PT Cruiser

A phone call to the local fire station revealed the driver had reported the radio had cut-out then started to smoke.

By the time the driver stopped, flames had appeared.

I witnessed the airbag explosives detonating, before heading on home.

The fire service said that in the end the car was completely burnt out from the dashboard back, but that the engine bay was nearly untouched.

9 May 2007: MP spotted phone-driving

After last week’s amazing speed camera crash pictures this week’s amazing event was spotted by one of BusinessCar’s sales team.

He spotted a high profile Tory MP speaking on a hand held mobile phone while driving his Toyota MPV on the M40.

I’ve emailed the Conservative Party HQ to ask what their stance is on the hand-held phone driving regulations and (assuming this MP was driving on work business) does the Tory party driver handbook have a clause in it banning phone-driving?

I’ve also emailed the MP in question to see if he wants to come clean on the matter.

I’ll let you know what they say.

Tristan Young